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This website is based on experience gained from having held senior roles in corporate planning and information technology at the corporate and business unit levels in Australia, Singapore and India and extensive research on the relationship between strategic alignment and organisational performance, particularly operating via employee engagement. The research has found that improving strategic alignment does improve employee engagement and that a holistic approach that considers multiple aspects of alignment is more effective than a narrowly focused approach. My dissertation, entitled Managing Strategic Alignment: An Abductive Approach, was awarded a PhD in Management from Monash University, Australia, in May 2014.

The research originated with my experience as head of corporate planning with a Danish multinational conglomerate where I was instrumental in the development and implementation of a formal Business Performance Management strategy. This included initiatives such as the implementation of a balanced scorecard based framework and process for strategic and operative planning, alignment of people, process and technology with business strategy and management reporting frameworks aligned with strategic and operational goals.

Implementing a Business Performance Management strategy doesn’t have to be difficult. A service offering designed to help organisations develop and implement performance management strategy can be made available on request.

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